quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

O Clube dos Discos

Record Club, saído da imaginação de Beck, é um dos mais interessantes projectos do panorama musical, descrito desta forma no site oficial:

"Record Club is an informal meeting of various musicians to record an album in a day. The album chosen to be reinterpreted is used as a framework. Nothing is rehearsed or arranged ahead of time. A track is put up here once a week. As you will hear, some of the songs are rough renditions, often first takes that document what happened over the course of a day as opposed to a polished rendering. There is no intention to 'add to' the original work or attempt to recreate the power of the original recording. Only to play music and document what happens. And those who aren't familiar with the albums in question will hopefully look for the songs in their definitive versions."

Na primeira edição o disco escolhido foi "The Velvet Underground & Nico", e contou com a participação de nomes como Nigel Godrich, Joey Waronker, Brian Lebarton, Bram Inscore, Yo, Giovanni Ribisi, Chris Holmes, Thorunn Magnusdottir e, claro, Beck.

'Sunday Morning' | 'Waiting for My Man' | 'Femme Fatale' | 'Venus In Furs' | 'Run Run Run' | 'All Tomorrow's Parties' | 'Heroin' | 'There She Goes Again' | 'I'll Be Your Mirror' | 'Black Angel's Death Song' | 'European Son' | 'Heroin' (Alt. Version)

"Songs Of Leonard Cohen", o sublime disco de Leonard Cohen, teve a honra de ser transformado na segunda sessão do Record Club, reunindo nomes mais sonantes do que a anterior sessão. Senão vejam: Devendra Banhart, Ben, Andrew e Will (MGMT), Andrew (Wolfmother), Binki (Little Joy) e os repetentes Brian e Bram. E Beck, claro.

'Suzanne' | 'Master Song' | 'Winter Lady' | 'Stranger Song' | 'Sisters Of Mercy' | 'So Long, Marianne' | 'Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye' | 'Stories Of The Street' | 'Teachers' | 'One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong'

A boa notícia é que já teve início a terceira sessão do Record Club, desta vez à volta do disco "Oar", de Skip Spence. O Fusco partilha o resultado da gravação do primeiro tema - Little Hands - e promete ficar atento para vos mostrar o que se vai seguir.

Record Club: Skip Spence "Little Hands" from Beck Hansen on Vimeo.

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